Kaipara Consultations


Creative Northland on behalf of the Kaipara District Council was hosting consultations to develop the 10-year Arts, Culture & Heritage Strategies.

The consultation was a chance to provide your thoughts and ideas to help guide the funding, community art events, activities and initiatives, cultural programmes and facilities, and overall priorities for the empowerment of local Arts and Culture.
THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the online or in-person consultations. We appreciate your feedback and ideas 🙂

Creative Northland was the lead on public consultation to gather, analyse and prepare documentation of key findings that will inform a 10-year Arts, Culture and Heritage strategy for Kaipara. The Kaipara District Council recognises that building resilience in the creative and cultural industries amid COVID-19 is integral not only to the local Kaipara economy but also to the cultural wellbeing of our communities. 

Looking to 2022 and beyond, the creative industries can – and need to – play a pivotal role in the region’s economic future. Develop a strategy will require a collaborative approach across local industry, individual artists and groups, facilities and associated services.

In November 2021, Creative Northland started the public consultation process which involved online Zoom meetings and face to face meetings. As COVID-19 impacts the way we meet, online sessions ensure these events can safely go ahead and eliminate the barrier of travel.


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