There are various education facilities and opportunities in Northland providing creative courses and study options. You can opt for a Certificate, Diploma, Degree and even a Masters Degree in an education facility that’s close to home, where you can upskill, get started on a learning journey, or have a second chance at education.
See some of your options below:

North Tec offers a range of Creative Industries courses including Toi Te Wai-Nharahu (MĀORI ARTS) & Applied Writing.
If you are interested in any of the courses please contact the team at North Tec or visit the NorthTec Arts Facebook Page to see their recent achievements. Creative Northland and North Tec have established a ‘Statement of Shared Objectives’ with a key aim of recruitment for their art courses. We would love to see more Northlanders study locally whilst also gaining a high standard of education.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is a uniquely Māori learning environment for everyone. If you’re a New Zealand Citizen or resident living in NZ, TWoA have amazing study possibilities for you, providing an environment that’s designed for your success and if you don’t want to go far from home to do it, this is the place for you.
For over 30 years, TWoA have been delivering recognised qualifications to meet the needs of school leavers, business professionals, empty-nest mums and dads, indigenous academics and kaumātua, offering Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and a Masters Degree. They have culturally rich and inclusive space, and are available in 7 locations around the Northland region.

Within the community of Te Tai Tokerau, there is an abundance of activities, workshops and offerings to expand and explore one’s creativity and wellbeing.
Make sure to check out: Reyburn House Studio, Quarry Arts Centre Programs and Kids Holiday workshops, Te Kowhai Print Trust events and workshops, CEW Community Education Whangarei courses, Jessie Rose art classes, and The District Libraries free workshops.