Expression of Interest:
CLOSES 23rd JAN 2022
Creative Northland, on behalf of Sharon Morgan (Hundertwasser Art Centre), Richard Smart (the Vienna Foundation’s representative) and Wairau Maori Art Gallery, are seeking expressions of interest from sculptors to submit a sculpture you are willing to exhibit outdoors for 12 months.
Up to five works will be selected and showcased down at the town basin on the grass area between Te Kakano* and the big Pohutukawa Tree. The sculpture that you put on display will be for sale and give you an opportunity to market and promote your art-form.

We are after exciting, tantalising, and high-quality sculptural artworks suitable for exhibition, ranging from 1.2 to 1.5m in height with similar girth, not too big and imposing. The works can depict symbols of life and nature represented in wood, stone and steel.
We can share more information to those who are interested and have work ready. Please email (Mon-Wed).
EOI closes 23rd January 2022. All works selected will be installed before the 20th February opening of the Hundertwasser Art Centre.
* Te Kakano was an essential first step in the realisation of the Hundertwasser Art Centre. This piece of sculptural architecture serves as a test bed for all the elements of the design, materials and construction needed to build the HAC.

* We acknowledge the short deadline so we are after existing works that are suitable for this opportunity.
Sculpture Committee Criteria - Hundertwasser Foundation
- All works must be suitable for outdoors.
- Artists should preferably represent a mixture of cultures. Maori artists are to be encouraged, but not necessarily predominant. The Wairau Maori Art GalleryTrust may be consulted for possible Maori artist contributors. Emerging artists may be considered.
- Any subject or form may be considered.
- WAMT may purchase works for permanent installation and may borrow works.
- Where an artist own works, the artist must commit to it being on display for a specific period.
- WAMT will be responsible for insurance of the works while in its control.
- Transportation and installation costs are to be negotiated with the artist.
- WAMT will maintain the sculpture while on display. Where the work needs specialist care by the artist, the committee will discuss specific arrangements with the artist.
- WAMT will not be responsible for promoting or organising sales of sculptural works. The artist may sell a sculpture, but all aspects of the sale will be the responsibility, and at the discretion of the artist.
- If a work is sold while on display, the work must remain in situ until conclusion of the arrangements with WAMT. WAMT will not seek commission.
- The artists, the subject, form and placement of the work, shall be subject to:
- Consultation by the WAMT Sculptures committee with the Hundertwasser Foundation; and
- Final approval of the Whangarei Art Museum Trust Board.
- Works may include art of processing images or representation of form by carving, modelling, moulding or welding of raw materials into works of art, including three-dimensional works such as statues, using materials such as wood, stone and casting in bronze and other materials.
- Artists will be asked to provide images of the work, or if not yet existing, examples of previous work, firstly for approval of the artist, and secondly as indicative of the kind of sculpture the artist offers. This information will be shared with the Hundertwasser Foundation. The sculpture itself will be subject to any inquiries the committee chooses to make of the artist after initial approval of the artist and the type of work proposed.
- Placement of the work is dependent on the impact of the sculpture, its size, material and technique. A sculpture will be installed in a space appropriate for a satisfactory viewing experience, and the intentions of the artist.