The Northland Youth Summit 2019 was held in Kaitaia at Te Ahu Centre from the 28th – 30th of August.
This was a platform for young people to develop the confidence to discover, interpret and share what a shared future looks and feels like to them.
This year the summit consisted of eight workshops led by experts with a new workshop for Wearable Arts being added to the event. The workshops and the creative medium are shown below:
- Music – The youth split into smaller groups and compose a song together which is performed on the final day of the event.
- Dance – The youth with the guidance of the facilitators choreograph a dance which is performed on the final day of the event.
- Theatre & Performance – The youth with the guidance of the facilitators create a theatrical piece which is performed on the final day of the event.
- Film & Photography – The youth are taught basic film, photography and editing skills which is used to create a short film/documentary at the event.
- Creative Technologies – The youth are given a taster of some of the current creative technology trends as guided by the facilitators.
- Visual Art (painting) – The youth are taught basic painting skills which is used to create an art piece using paint sponsored by Resene.
- Carving & Weaving – The youth are taught carving & flax weaving skills and guided to create a small sculptural artwork and a handmade flax item.
- Wearable Arts – The youth design and create a wearable art fashion piece which is shown on the last day at a mini fashion parade.
Accommodation & Food
All youth who attended were supplied with accommodation and food over the 3 days at no cost. All youth participated in their workshops on site at the Te Ahu Centre and Te Hiku Youth Space. Youth participants & mentors were accommodated at Te Paatu Marae.
Key sponsors
This event was not possible without the support from key sponsors. We are extremely thankful to have secured funding and sponsorship from the following organisations:

Key Funder
Creative New Zealand is the key funder providing a majority of the money for us to host this event.
” Creative New Zealand encourages, promotes and supports the arts in New Zealand for the benefit of all New Zealanders through funding, capability building, our international programme and advocacy. ” (

Key Educational Sponsor
North Tec was our key educational sponsor in which they contributed a cash as well as in-kind contributions. This is building from the sponsorship received for the 2018 event where they contributed cash, venues and equipment.
Our partnership with NorthTec acts as a gateway for youth attending the event into further studies within the Creative Sector.

Music Workshop Sponsor
The Electoral Commission runs parliamentary elections and keeps the electoral roll up to date. The enrolment team visited the youth at the summit about getting on the roll to vote in elections and have their voices heard. For more information go to or